Excel India involves assuring that the auditorium environment in building is suitable for the use of the space. This includes room acoustics appropriate for speech,music or control of noise as appropriate, speech clarity or privacy as appropriate, sound isolation, mechanical systems noise control and sound systems. Room acoustics includes control of reverberation, loudness and initial reflections of sound. Such initial reflections can be helpful or harmful depending on the time delay between the direct and reflected sound. Excel India auditorium Consultant, has helped develop solutions for many projects. In India, he has provided consultancy services in the past years.

The firm strongly believe that it is in the best interests of the clients to investigate all potential problems in a auditorium fully. A auditorium with excellent acoustics can be unusable if there is noise from an adjacent space, or from a noisy mechanical system or the poor design and or installation of the respective sound system. However, the firm can and will sometimes work only on a limited part of a new design project. The firm also can assist owners of existing auditorium, who have problems. The firm does not seek work solely involving the design of sound systems. When a sound system is required as part of a larger project, it is recommended to employ other independent consultants in audio systems designs.

Whom Do We Work For?

We can and do work for owners, designers or even occasionally construction contractors on architectural or industrial projects. However the unique nature of Auditorium Consulting raises the strong potential for conflict of interest if we try to work for multiple parties on the same project. Therefore, we insist on a single clearly defined client for each project, to whom we are solely and directly responsible for our advice and who is solely, directly and unconditional responsible for our prompt payment. We do not accept subcontract arrangements. We do not take up any turnkey projects on our part on grounds of conflict in ethical and professional interests.